Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chord progressions

Common chord progressions are as follows:

C, C7, F, G7, C
C, Am, F, G7, C
E, E7, A, F#, B7, E
Bb, Eb, F7, Bb
Ab, Ab7, C#, D#7, Ab
B, B7, E, F#, B
D, D7, G, A7, D
F, F7, Bb, C7, F
G, Em, C, D7, G
G, G7, C, A7, D7, G

- Posted from my iPhone

Chord theory

A quick lesson in music theory

- Posted from my iPhone

Monday, July 08, 2013

Two person casual games

My wife and I are empty nesters and prefer action of sorts to TV...
Hiking and hobbies are good, and we also like to play games.
We play some simple ones - e.g. Skip-Bo - which have some skill but are mostly luck. Mexican train dominoes ( which is better with more people). A Chinese card game taught to us by my sister's husband. We'd like a few more.

Prefer some skill but not like chess. Backgammon is still pretty good.
Nice to have 30-60 minute games.

Here is a list from a gamer that might have a few good additions for us

Suggestions for games

One extra twist we use is that whoever wins two in a row is the champion. We keep track of who is king or queen and perks are attached :-)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad